Population Analysis of Seyfert Galaxies in the Coma-Abell 1367 Supercluster


  • Megan Jones University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Eric Wilcots University of Wisconsin-Madison




We are studying the population of active galaxies residing both in and out of groups along the Coma-Abell 1367 supercluster to look at the occurrence of Seyfert galaxies. We are also measuring the level of activity, as defined by active galactic nuclei (AGN) and star formation rates in the galaxy groups. Our goal is then to relate this information to determine any environmental correlation of these two features. We report on the distribution of Seyfert galaxies as a function of environment across the supercluster and probe the characteristics of the population of groups that currently host at least one Seyfert. 


Comment citer

Jones, M., & Wilcots, E. (2012). Population Analysis of Seyfert Galaxies in the Coma-Abell 1367 Supercluster. Proceedings of the Wisconsin Space Conference. https://doi.org/10.17307/wsc.v0i0.40



Astronomy and Cosmology