A Beginner’s Guide to Line Intensity Mapping Power Spectra




Palabras clave:

Intensity Mapping, Large-scale Structure


Line intensity mapping (LIM) is an emerging technique in measuring galaxy evolution and the large-scale structure of the universe. LIM surveys measure the cumulative emission from all galaxies emitting a given line at a particular redshift, which trace the distribution of dark matter throughout the universe. In this proceeding, we provide an introduction to LIM modeling, focusing on power spectrum calculation. Beyond these calculations, we describe how these power spectra may be used to constrain properties of galaxy evolution and large-scale structure cosmology. Throughout, we use the anticipated EXCLAIM signal of ionized carbon ([CII]) at redshift z=3 as a case study. Our goal is to provide a starting point to non-experts, e.g. upper-level undergraduate and graduate students familiar with the basics of cosmology, with the tools necessary to understand the literature and generate LIM power spectrum models themselves, while also describing a wide array of literature for continued studies.

Biografía del autor/a

Trevor Oxholm, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Doctoral Candidate

Department of Physics

University of Wisconsin-Madison


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Cómo citar

Oxholm, T. (2022). A Beginner’s Guide to Line Intensity Mapping Power Spectra. Proceedings of the Wisconsin Space Conference, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.17307/wsc.v1i1.352



Astronomy and Cosmology