Using Networking Algorithms to Assess the Environment of Galaxy Groups


  • Ali M. Bramson Department of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
  • Eric M. Wilcots Department of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI



Understanding the environment in which a galaxy resides is crucial to our understanding of galaxy evolution. Most galaxies (~70%) live in groups and it is important to develop a quantitative understanding of how galaxies are distributed within groups and how groups are distributed in the larger scale structure. In addition to the traditional friends-of-friends algorithm, I have applied various concepts from networking algorithms to understand the network of galaxy groups in clusters, and to understand the substructure within groups. Doing so provides a new method of gauging the large scale environments of galaxies and groups, and will result in a more concrete way to define a group and to quantify the strength of the community structure that exists. 



Bramson, A. M., & Wilcots, E. M. (2011). Using Networking Algorithms to Assess the Environment of Galaxy Groups. Proceedings of the Wisconsin Space Conference.



Astronomy and Cosmology