Constraining simulated black hole feedback in the Perseus Cluster
DOI: clau:
Galaxy Clusters, AGN, Black Holes, SimulationsResum
Active galactic nuclei in galaxy clusters can produce tightly collimated jets that inject energy into the surrounding intracluster medium (ICM). This feedback process can offset cooling losses from X-ray radiation that otherwise would result in cooling flow structures. Jet-inflated bubbles can heat the cluster via a turbulent cascade. The density fluctuation spectrum inferred from X-ray maps of the cluster shows different levels and scales of turbulence in different regions of the clusters, and can be used to determine the contribution of different driving mechanisms. By applying observational power spectrum techniques to synthetic X-ray data from feedback simulations of the Perseus cluster, we find that the density fluctuation spectra produced by a single episode of jet activity are broadly consistent with analysis of Chandra observations inside 60 kpc. The velocity dispersion effected by the AGN approaches Hitomi's measurement of turbulence in Perseus during the AGN episode, but is underpredicted later in the simulation. A fully established volume-filling turbulent cascade therefore requres multiple periods of jet activity, along with turbulence driven by other processes outside of the inner 60 kpc core. This also suggests the X-ray fluctuations directly associated with the jet bubble substantially contribute to the overall density fluctuation spectrum.
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