Structure and Behavior of AWM and MKW Clusters
A grasp of the life-cycles of large-scale structures is critical to understanding the Universe. This can be accomplished through the study of poor clusters-- that is, younger clusters that are likely evolving to another state. The selected clusters are significant in that they are poor but also possess a type-cD galaxy. This brighter central galaxy suggests that these clusters may be dynamically evolved and are potential candidates for fossil groups. In order to more fully understand the structure and behavior of poor galaxy clusters, 13 clusters were selected and analyzed. Using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we present structural descriptions and mass estimates of these 13 galaxy clusters.Â
How to Cite
Ramuta, M. (2011). Structure and Behavior of AWM and MKW Clusters. Proceedings of the Wisconsin Space Conference.
Astronomy and Cosmology

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