Magneto-active Slosh Control
Slosh Dampening, Magnetic FieldsAbstract
The Magneto-active Slosh Control (MaSC) project seeks to demonstrate active slosh control in cylindrical propellant tanks by means of a thin, flexible metallic membrane that is acted on by a magnetic field in order to reposition itself to produce an optimized force on the surface of the liquid. Slosh is a destabilizing effect of engine burns and other orbital operations. The mitigation of slosh is a mission-critical effort in the aerospace industry. The overall objectives for the Magneto-active Slosh Control experiment are to demonstrate slosh control forces on liquid surfaces exerted by a high-permeability magnetic membrane in an external magnetic field, as well as develop active sensing and control of the membrane's position in microgravity environments.References
Sivasubramanian et al. Hybrid Magneto-Active Propellant Management Device for Active Slosh Damping within a Vehicle Fuel Tank. US 10,071,825 B2, United States Patent, 11 September 2018.
Storey, Jedediah. “Experimental, Numerical and Analytical Characterization of Slosh Dynamics Applied to In-Space Propellant Storage, Management, and Transfer.” NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 18 Dec. 2014, textit{}.
Wade, Mark. Falcon 1, Astronautix, 2019,textit{}.
How to Cite
Carls, L. S., & Bossong, C. C. (2022). Magneto-active Slosh Control. Proceedings of the Wisconsin Space Conference, 1(1).
Physics and Engineering

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